Science advice in emergencies

The PMCSA and members of the Chief Science Advisor Forum can be called on to provide science advice during unexpected and rapidly-evolving situations. This is a developing focus of the Office.

In 2019, we provided advice after the Christchurch terror attack.

Read the briefing to the PM on the Christchurch shooting

We also supported the response to the 2019 Whakaari/White Island eruption and continue to support the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

See our COVID-19 topic page here

Documentary films

Watch Shirley Horrocks’ independent t-part series on science advice in emergencies. Part one is about the COVID-19 pandemic response, part two is about the Whakaari/White Island eruption, and part three returns to COVID-19, with a focus on whole genome sequencing.

Tom Wilson on disaster risk management

Tom Wilson, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Chief Science Advisor, was quoted in an article about planning for catastrophic events. Specifically, disaster risks from the Hikurangi subduction zone. Read the article published by Radio New...

Quiet thoughts

Apart from acknowledging the terrible events of March 15th with a ‘Kia Kaha’, we have turned down the social media volume to zero this week in the Office. A mark of respect for the victims and their whānau, and a time to reflect. A week later, here are a few thoughts.

The Beehive in Wellington with its flag at half-mast