Aotearoa New Zealand research community

The Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor often relies on respected colleagues and New Zealand’s wider community of scientists and researchers to produce reports and advice. In order to ensure that advice and panel advisors come from all parts of the science, research and technology system, the office maintains a list of contacts.

Below is our list institutions that make up the New Zealand research community. A primary contact person is listed for each institution.

This is list is not exhaustive. If you can’t see your institution, please ask your organisation’s leader to contact us.

If you are a researcher interested in assisting one of our projects, please get in touch with your institution’s contact listed below in the first instance.

A Better StartProfessor Wayne Cutfield
Ageing WellAssociate Professor Louise Parr-Brownlie
Antarctica New ZealandDr Jordy Hendrix
AgResearchDr Dave Houlbrooke
AUT UniversityGary Putt
Bio-Protection Research CentreProfessor Amanda Black
Building better Homes, Towns and cities Ruth Berry
Cawthorn InstituteDr Chris Cornelisen
Coastal people: Southern skiesAssoc Prof Anne-Marie Jackson
Deep SouthDr Phil Wiles
Dodd-Walls CentreEmma Juggins
ECANDr Fiona Shanhun
ESRProfessor Brett Cowan
GNS ScienceDr Gill Jolly
Healthier LivesProfessor Jim Mann
Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa New ZealandJulian Paton
High-Value NutritionJoanne Todd
Independent Research Association of New ZealandDr Rob Whitney
ITP ResearchDr Marcus Williams
Lincoln UniversityProfessor Travis Glare
MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and NanotechnologyProfessor Nicola Gaston
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchDr Fiona Carswell
Māori Fellows Caucus, Royal Society Te Apārangi
Massey UniversityProfessor Giselle Byrnes
Maurice Wilkins CentreProfessor Greg Cook
New Zealand’s Biological HeritageDr Daniel Patrick
New Zealanders for Health ResearchChris Higgins
Ngā Pae o te MāramatangaProfessor Linda Waimarie Nikora, Professor Tahu Kukutai
NIWADr Andrew Tait
Otago MuseumDr Craig Grant
Our Land and WaterDr Jenny Webster-Brown
Plant and Food ResearchDr David Hughes
QuakeCoRE Te Hiranga RūProfessor Brendon Bradley
Resilience to Nature’s ChallengesDr Richard Smith
Riddet InstituteProfessor Harjinder Singh
RIMU – Research and Evaluation Unit, Auckland CouncilDr Jonathan Benge
Science for Technological InnovationProfessor Sally Davenport
ScionDr Tara Strand
Sustainable SeasDr Julie Hall
Te Pūnaha MatatiniDr Priscilla Wehi
Te Wānanga o AotearoaDr Shireen Maged
Te Whare Wānanga o AwanuiārangiProfessor Te Kani Kingi
University of AucklandAlexandra Thomas
University of CanterburyJace Carson
University of OtagoProfessor Richard Balikie
University of WaikatoDr Simon Lovatt
Victoria University of WellingtonProfessor Margaret Hyland

Last updated: 11 September 2023

Useful links

Below are links to New Zealand science-related organisations of relevance and interest to the Office.