Our panel – Rethinking plastics
We gratefully acknowledge the efforts and good humour of our hard-working panel.
- Professor Niki Harré, University of Auckland
- Stephen Harris, Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance
- Dr Bethanna Jackson, Victoria University of Wellington
- Dr Elspeth MacRae, Scion
- Melanie Mark-Shadbolt (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou, Te Arawa, Te Ati Awa), Māori Biosecurity Network and Ministry for the Environment
- Professor Sarah McLaren, Massey University
- Dr Olga Pantos, ESR
- Abbie Reynolds, Sustainable Business Council
- Dr Diane Ruwhiu, University of Otago
- Professor Mark Staiger, University of Canterbury
- Professor James Wright, University of Auckland

The ‘Rethinking plastics’ panel members and OPMCSA staff at the first panel meeting. From left to right: George Slim, Sarah McLaren, Bethanna Jackson, Olga Pantos, James Wright, Elspeth MacRae, Juliet Gerrard, Abbie Reynolds, Niki Harré, Mark Staiger, Diane Ruwhiu, Stephen Harris, Rachel Chiaroni-Clarke. Bottom right overlay: Melanie Mark-Shadbolt.
Our reference group
We thank the very large number of researchers and stakeholders who have generously contributed time, energy and suggestions to this project through consultation and peer review. We have incorporated as many suggestions as possible, but acknowledge that the wide range of views expressed meant not every edit could be accepted. We are particularly grateful to those in the industry who have shared their ideas and insights and answered our many questions.
- Adele Rose, 3R
- Alexia Sandano, Air New Zealand
- Ally Hopwood, Pharmapac
- Andrea Soanes and Cathy Buntting, Science Learning Hub
- Anna Curnow, Kaipara District Council
- Amanda Moxey, Plastic Free Raglan
- Ariadne Santos and Stewart Hay, Palmerston North City Council
- Barbara Nebel, thinkstep
- Beth Davie and team, Ministry for Primary Industries
- Brian Vass and Simon Andrew, Agcarm/Agrecovery
- Bruce Middleton, Waste Not Consulting
- Camden Howitt, Sustainable Coastlines
- Carolyn Cox, Green Business HQ
- Casimir MacGregor and Karla Falloon, BRANZ
- Catherine Langabeer and Kiri Hannifin, Countdown
- Clarke Truscott and Karen Thompson, Coca-Cola Amatil and Coca-Cola Oceania
- Daniel Wai-Poi and Rosemary Paterson, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade
- David Benattar, The Warehouse Group
- David Howie, Ian Kennedy and Tom Nickels, Waste Management
- Dawn Baggaley and Sam Bridgman, NZ Post
- Dennise Chapman, Ken Sowman and Rachel Barker, Plastics NZ
- Donna Peterson, WasteNet Southland
- Duncan McGillivray, University of Auckland
- Duncan Wilson, Eunomia Consulting
- Ella van Gool, University of Waikato
- Emily Taylor-Hall, Wellington City Council
- Emily Thomas and Trish Kirkland-Smith, Fonterra
- Florian Graichen and team, Scion
- Francine Harland and Roger Ridley, Royal Society Te Apārangi
- Heather Saunderson, Keep New Zealand Beautiful
- Heidi Mardon, Toimata Foundation
- Huia Iti and Jemma Whiten, Ecostore
- Ian Lancaster, Maritime New Zealand
- Isla Hepburn and Samantha Webb, Environment Canterbury
- Jacqui Forbes, Para Kore
- James Griffin and Rachel Brown, Sustainable Business Network
- James Muir, Crunch & Flourish
- Janine Brinsdon, Jenny Marshall and Paul Evans, WasteMINZ
- Johan Verbeek, University of Auckland Plastics Centre of Excellence
- Kate Fulton, Nelson City Council
- Katherine Short, Terra Moana
- Kirsten Edgar, Callaghan Innovation
- Laurence Greenfield, University of Canterbury
- Liz Butcher and team, Ministry for the Environment
- Louise Nash, Circularity
- Lyn Mayes, The Packaging Forum
- Mike Lewis and Peter Stewart, CHEP
- Nadine Wakim and Parul Sood, Auckland Council
- Nic Bishop, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
- Nick Baker, Visy
- Peter Stevens, GS1 New Zealand
- Rachel Depree, Zespri International
- Raquelle de Vine, Algalita South Pacific Trust
- Rick Poynter, Poynter Agencies Ltd
- Ryan Everton, Globelet
- Sally Gaw, University of Canterbury
- Samisoni Makaafi and team, Statistics NZ
- Sharon Humphreys, Packaging Council of NZ
- Simon Thrush, University of Auckland
- Tania Tapsell, Rotorua Lakes District Council
- Terri-Ann Berry, Unitec
- Tina Ngata, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
- Trisia Farrelly, Massey University