Artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a feature of our world and everyday life in myriad ways. The office is building this web page as a resource page for those interested in rapid developments.

Our latest work: AI in healthcare

Prime Minister Hipkins had asked us to start a new project on artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on healthcare delivery. The Terms of Reference can be found here. This project tackled the implications of this rapidly evolving technology with a focus on the opportunities it creates to satisfy unmet needs, in the context of the challenges it poses. We have worked with a panel and wider reference group of experts and stakeholders to inform our work. The panel was co-chaired by the PMCSA and the CSA to Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health, Ian Town. This work will be live soon. 

(Image source: Getty images)

The international regulatory landscape for AI

Separately from the work described in the Terms of Reference, we have attempted to summarise the international regulatory context for AI . Specifically, we outline some of the challenges of designing appropriate regulation, an emerging international consensus on the principles regulation should support, and specific pieces of relevant legislation around the world. The purpose of this document isn’t to make recommendations, but to highlight the relevant issues and collate what is happening elsewhere.

With any new technological development, understanding its societal implications and deciding whether and how the new technology should be regulated poses a challenge. AI has added complexity because of the speed at which AI technology is evolving. The release of publicly accessible generative AI late in 2022, for example, raises issues not addressed by the emerging international consensus on the principles that should underpin AI regulation.

We’ll be updating this summary periodically, but it’s worth noting that, like AI itself, the regulatory state of play will continue to evolve.

Other useful resources

We’ll be updating these so keep checking back!

AI in health
Other AI resources
Useful explainers

Our expert panel members

We have been overwhelmed by the amount of interest we received for this project. We are grateful to all who expressed an interest in the work and to those who have agreed to be a part of our reference group. After much consideration we have assembled a panel of experts that bring a diverse range of views and expertise. We look forward to working closely with our panel of experts for the duration of the project.

We were privileged to hear from Director General of Health Dr Diana Sarfati at our first panel meeting in late June, 2023. She spent some time sharing about our current health context and highlighting where the project could add value. Members of the team from OPMCSA, MoH, and our wonderful panellists are pictured below.

From left to right: Rebecca Benson, Jeremy Tuohy, James Maclaurin, Michael Witbrock, Diana Sarfati, Juliet Gerrard, Megan Tapsell, Vithya Yogarajan, Robyn Whittaker, Karaitiana Taiuru, Ian Town. 

Our team and the expert panel members at the Panel 2 meeting. From left to right: Rebecca Benson, Emma Brown, Vithya Yogarajan, Juliet, Ian Town, Alistair Knott, Robyn Whittaker, Karaitiana Taiuru, Megan Tapsell, James Maclaurin, and Michael Witbrock.

Our reference group

Our mahi is further informed by experts and stakeholders from across the motu. We are grateful to those who have expressed an interest in the work and have provided feedback. So far over 100 people have opted to join our reference group. 

Our mahi

We will update this page as the project unfolds. Keep an eye out for project updates and useful resources!

Last edited: 30 October 2023