Kia ora koutou

This month we are starting work on an exciting new project in the office looking at how science can contribute to keeping Aotearoa New Zealand at the leading edge of global fisheries management.

We love our marine environment – the kaimoana it provides us, its cultural, social, and ecological importance, and the livelihoods it supports. Respecting and maintaining this resource and protecting taonga species requires careful management. So what does this mean? We will be looking at how well we collect data, the data and knowledge gaps we have, and how these impact management of our marine environment. We’ll explore how mātauranga Māori, new technologies, methods, and research could benefit the way we manage our fisheries.

We are putting together an expert panel to assist with our research and recommendations for moving towards a vision of a modernised, data-driven approach to efficient and effective fishing which preserves this resource for future generations. If you’re part of a research organisation or University, you may have already received the call for expressions of interest for the expert panel. Panel activity will begin in March. If you are interested in contributing to the project please contact us at and let us know about your area of expertise. We are keen to get good representation across different sectors and views, and ensure a rich diversity of people and expertise on the panel, so please do get in touch.

Read the draft terms of reference for our fish panel (PDF, 221KB)

We will complete the scope once we have assembled a diverse panel of experts.

Check back for updates – we’ll be uploading information on the project as we go.

Noho ora mai

Juliet's signature